Money Raised


Upstate GCH Schoolroom
Lukie's SOUL Foundation has raised money to achieve its first goal of sponsoring a classroom in the Upstate Golisano Children's Hospital (~$100,000). This room features state-of-the-art technologies that virtually connect students to their school classrooms, allowing them to stay up-to-date with their school work while being hospitalized or home-bound. Such technologies include: a Smartboard, a Tandberg teleconferencing unit (main TV), 4 individual bedside units, 1 MOVI laptop unit, a Laptop computer, 300 flash drives, Reference books, Hospital Workbooks, ER workbooks, Sibling books, and much more.

Upstate Cancer Center Pediatric Infusion Room/Playroom
Lukie's SOUL Foundation had achieved its second goal of funding a pediatric infusion room/playroom in the new Upstate Cancer Center.

Upstate Pediatric Emergency Room Family Bereavement Room
Lukie's SOUL Foundation had achieved its second goal of funding a pediatric infusion room/playroom in the new Upstate Cancer Center.

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